From None to Won

Triathlon Training Day 1 – Plan7 Cycling

November 10, 2015

I woke up at 4:45. It was dark outside and I threw my Trek bike into the back of the suburban and sped down to Elevate Fitness for my first day of training. I wheeled my bike into the Gym and around to the back where the round “Cycle Room” is located.

Elevate Utah Cycle Room
Elevate Utah Cycle Room

I was greeted by Sam A. who threw my bike on a trainer after changing my skewer. Matt, Michelle, and Aaron were already pumping in the semi circle shaped room. Some groovy new age music was playing. Harry, Mitchell and Nate trailed in. After we all entered our data into the computer Matt turned on the fan and the training program. It was go time. Matt instructed us to keep the bars in the green (see below). The application was constantly adjusting the tension to change our watts and rpm.

Looks like I need to learn the significance of a few acronyms – RPM, WATTS, W/KG, NP, and LOAD.


Aaron decided to really give the trainer a test and increased his Load on the final segment to 580. That was an exciting 5 minutes. Watching Aaron scream as he pounded out the watts. He even had to stand to keep it in the “Green Zone”

It was a fun time and I’m feeling pretty good after an hour on the trainer. The only downside is that I am a little saddle sore on my “downside.” I hear that will pass with more time on the seat.

About The Author

speedclimb Admin