From None to Won

New Swimming PR

March 29, 2016

Wahoo!!! A new Personal Record.

Today I trained hard with Coach Marci. We did some fun drills and at the end she timed me on 50 meters x4. During this time I found that I was coming in around 45-49 seconds on each of the attempts. Marci had to go and told me to do 100 meter cool down.

I did cool down but not in the way she expected. My cool-down was just resting for about 3 minutes focusing on reducing my heart rate and catching my breath. The first time down and back I made it in 41 seconds. I rested again for about 5 minutes. The second time down I made it in 40 seconds. This is huge for me considering when I started this adventure I could barely make it across the pool.

Today is a good day.


New PR 40 seconds
New PR 40 seconds for 50 meters

About The Author

speedclimb Admin